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School Counseling

Heritage Middle School counselors provide a safe, nurturing, and non-judgmental environment for students to explore social and emotional self-awareness, as well as academic and career opportunities. Students’ development is supported through individual and group counseling, whole group instruction as well as consultation with school and community stakeholders. Counselors also help to coordinate programs such as orientation for new students and the Career Fair. Counselors also aid with the transition to high school, provide academic support, assist with school, county, and state testing. Middle school is an exciting time of growth and change and the counseling department can help parents and students adjust to the transitions that take place during middle school years.

As a part of our comprehensive, developmental School Counseling Program at Heritage Middle School, our counselors serve our students, parents, and teachers through a wide variety of services. School Counselors promote excellence through their work in four program areas:

  • Responsive Services- personal, crisis counseling and small group counseling
  • Classroom Curriculum- character education, group activities, and transition issues
  • System Support- consultation and collaboration with parents, teachers, and administrators
  • Individual Planning- academic and career planning and support

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